16 research outputs found

    Explicit GPC Control Applied to an Approximated Linearized Crane System

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    This paper proposes a MIMO Explicit Generalized Predictive Control (EGPC) for minimizing payload oscillation of a Gantry Crane System subject to input and output constraints. In order to control the crane system efficiently, the traditional GPC formulation, based on online Quadratic Programming (QP), is rewritten as a multiparametric quadratic programming problem (mp-QP). An explicit Piecewise Affine (PWA) control law is obtained and holds the same performance as online QP. To test effectiveness, the proposed method is compared with two GPC formulations: one that handle constraints (CGPC) and another that does not handle constraints (UGPC). Results show that both EGPC and CGPC have better performance, reducing the payload swing when compared to UGPC. Also both EGPC and CGPC are able to control the system without constraint violation. When comparing EGPC to CGPC, the first is able to calculate (during time step) the control action faster than the second. The simulations prove that the overall performance of EGPC is superior to the other used formulations

    The ongoing COVID-19 epidemic in Minas Gerais, Brazil: insights from epidemiological data and SARS-CoV-2 whole genome sequencing.

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    The recent emergence of a previously unknown coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), first confirmed in the city of Wuhan in China in December 2019, has caused serious public health and economic issues due to its rapid dissemination worldwide. Although 61,888 confirmed cases had been reported in Brazil by 28 April 2020, little was known about the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic in the country. To better understand the recent epidemic in the second most populous state in southeast Brazil (Minas Gerais, MG), we looked at existing epidemiological data from 3 states and sequenced 40 complete genomes from MG cases using Nanopore. We found evidence of multiple independent introductions from outside MG, both from genome analyses and the overly dispersed distribution of reported cases and deaths. Epidemiological estimates of the reproductive number using different data sources and theoretical assumptions all suggest a reduction in transmission potential since the first reported case, but potential for sustained transmission in the near future. The estimated date of introduction in Brazil was consistent with epidemiological data from the first case of a returning-traveler from Lombardia, Italy. These findings highlight the unique reality of MGs epidemic and reinforce the need for real-time and continued genomic surveillance strategies as a way of understanding and therefore preparing against the epidemic spread of emerging viral pathogens

    The ongoing COVID-19 epidemic in Minas Gerais, Brazil: insights from epidemiological data and SARS-CoV-2 whole genome sequencing

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    The recent emergence of a coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), first identified in the Chinese city of Wuhan in December 2019, has had major public health and economic consequences. Although 61,888 confirmed cases were reported in Brazil by 28 April 2020, little is known about the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic in this country. To better understand the recent epidemic in the second most populous state in southeast Brazil - Minas Gerais (MG) - we sequenced 40 complete SARS-CoV-2 genomes from MG cases and examined epidemiological data from three Brazilian states. Both the genome analyses and the geographical distribution of reported cases indicate for multiple independent introductions into MG. Epidemiological estimates of the reproductive number (R) using different data sources and theoretical assumptions suggest the potential for sustained virus transmission despite a reduction in R from the first reported case to the end of April 2020. The estimated date of SARS-CoV-2 introduction into Brazil was consistent with epidemiological data from the first case of a returned traveller from Lombardy, Italy. These findings highlight the nature of the COVID-19 epidemic in MG and reinforce the need for real-time and continued genomic surveillance strategies to better understand and prepare for the epidemic spread of emerging viral pathogens


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    Chamamos aqui de principais tecnologias digitais de informação e comunicação, as comunidades virtuais de aprendizagem, a robótica, os sistemas tutoriais inteligentes, os sistemas hipermídia adaptativos, as simulações e laboratórios tradicionais e remotos e as tecnologias da realidade. Neste segundo volume do livro, discutimos o que chamamos acima de principais tecnologias digitais de informação, na forma de capítulos separados. Nele, procuramos integrar as informações teóricas trazidas no volume 1 com a prática no uso dessas tecnologias no ensino formal. Nossa esperança é que este material seja útil como bibliografia básica em cursos de pedagogia e licenciaturas, para disciplinas que tratem do uso de tecnologias digitais.&nbsp

    Ferrovias, doenças e medicina tropical no Brasil da Primeira República Railroads, disease, and tropical medicine in Brazil under the First Republic

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    Aborda o impacto da malária no âmbito da modernização republicana, basicamente nas ferrovias, que asssumiram então o papel de integrar o território e operar a expansão simbólica e material da nação brasileira. Os cientistas destacados para debelar os surtos epidêmicos não se limitaram a realizar as campanhas. Fizeram observações sobre aspectos da doença, inclusive suas relações com hospedeiros e ambientes, contribuindo com novos conhecimentos e com a institucionalização, no Brasil, de novo campo que então se estabelecia nas potências coloniais européias: a medicina tropical. O artigo articula essas inovações - especialmente a teoria da infecção domiciliária - com as campanhas em prol de ferrovias e com estágio subseqüente no enfrentamento da malária no Brasil, nos anos 1920.<br>The article explores the impact of malaria on infrastructure works - above all, railroads - under the republican drive towards modernization. Railways helped tie the territory together and foster the symbolic and material expansion of the Brazilian nation. The scientists entrusted with vanquishing such epidemic outbreaks did not just conduct campaigns; they also undertook painstaking observations of aspects of the disease, including its relations to hosts and the environment, thus contributing to the production of new knowledge of malaria and to the institutionalization of a new field in Brazil, then taking root in Europe's colonies: "tropical medicine." The article shows the ties between these innovations (especially the theory of domiciliary infection) and the sanitary campaigns that helped the railways, which in the 1920s were followed by a new phase in Brazil's anti-malaria efforts